Our attention has been drawn to a disturbing video circulating on social media, in which the immediate past member representing Isiala Ngwa State Constituency, Hon. Ginger Onwusibe, made derogatory remarks about our esteemed and illustrious son, the late Prof. Eleazar Ikonne.

This is not the first time Hon. Onwusibe has made such disparaging comments, as he has a history of mocking the late Prof. Ikonne on various gatherings and platforms, including the ‘Ngwa Facts’ WhatsApp group.

We wish to inform Hon. Onwusibe that, while death is an inevitable fate that awaits us all, we will not stand idly by and watch him engage in dirty politics by indirectly mocking any Ukwa-Ngwa son, whether dead or alive. His actions are unacceptable and demonstrate a lack of respect for the deceased and their families.

We remind Hon. Onwusibe that elections have been won and lost, and we are no longer in campaign mode. Therefore, we forbid him from playing politics with the legacy of our revered son, the late Prof. Ikonne, whose achievements and service to humanity are unparalleled. It will take Hon. Onwusibe decades to match the late Prof. Ikonne’s accomplishments, even if he dedicates his life to doing so.

We hold the late Prof. Ikonne in high esteem, even in death, and will not tolerate anyone, especially from Ukwa-Ngwa, mocking him or any other Ukwa-Ngwa son.

We urge Hon. Onwusibe to learn how not to throw caution to the wind and to show respect for the dead and their families. We caution Hon. Onwusibe to desist from his unbridled and unguarded utterances, which only serve to further divide our community.

Furthermore, we expect him to retract his statements and offer an apology for his actions. A word is enough for the wise.

We will continue to monitor the situation and take appropriate action if Hon. Onwusibe fails to heed our warning.

Ngwa Rangers