NaijaDailyng247 is an informational portal that provides general facts and information about Nigeria that most users searches for on the internet. The information you will find on this site covers all topics from categories like:
- Telecommunication
- Politics
- Education
- Health
- Jobs and Vacancies
- Business
- FOREX (Foreign exchange rates)
- Entertainment
- General Information
- Nigerian Facts
- Business
At NaijaDailyng247, we ensure that the information published on our site is accurate, as they are collated from the right source, and undergo strict editing from our editorial team before they gets published on our site.
By following this process, we try our possible best to bring the best of information related to Nigeria as a country and Nigerians inĀ Diaspora, to end users who searches for such from the internet.
We do not practice any sort of biasness in any way, as the information found on our site are also useful to people living in America, Asia, Europe, Africa and all other continents of the world. For sure, most people want to know more about Nigeria as a country and there are also many Nigerian living in almost all countries in the world.
The information and content found on this page are under strict copyright laws, as a result, it is not intended to be published elsewhere without our notice. You can simply contact us on our email: to get proper directives for this act.