Simply put; God used HE Distinguished Sen TA Orji to make OVI Governor over the so-called elites even with all their contacts and money. The worst is Governor OTTI, who is at the helm not minding that they are both of the Adventist faith. Gov OTTI has not moved past the 2014 PDP primary election puzzle of “why should it be OVI?”. That was the poser on the lips of most elites then. Nobody can question God and how he decided to handle a man’s destiny. God qualifies his choosen. They should not dare God.

OVI’s vision of recovery of Aba from total infrastructural decay and he tireless effort to launch back Aba on the world map of SME through the remaking of Aba made to the quality “made-in-Aba”; the peaceful and relative security, best in the Southeast, were all lasting legacies of OVI that a million lies cannot underwrite. OVI reinvigorated the can-do-spirit of ndi Abia. The security peace enjoyed in Abia those days of unknown gun men, even when neighbouring states were challenged, drew so much enmity from non indigenes as their own states like Anambra,Ebonyi,imo and Enugu were engulfed in serious insecurity.

Most indigenes of these security troubled states ran to Abia for protection but instead of enjoy the relative peace, they started planning in cahoot with those envious of OVI to unseat his political party. They found willing allies in OVI’s brothers and friends who were more than happy to sabotage him over envy and jealousy. Those who ganged-up against OVI based on entitlement mindset and believing they didn’t get better bargain are all today living in regrets. Their regrets culminated in this total silence that has enveloped the state.

OVI is just a human and as a mere mortal he is not perfect. His imperfection made him to wholly trust the very wrong brothers and friends. Otherwise, show me one person fighting and disparaging OVI today, that OVI did not help personally to uplift his/her living standard.

The party only lost because of the untimely death of Prof Uche Ikonne. The unfortunate and untimely death of the man who would have totally liberated Abians without noise is exactly what the state is suffering from today.

The Late Prof Ikonne made it clear from day one that wasn’t going to be business as usual. The fear of the no nonsense Prof Ikonne was the beginning of wisdom for so many. The sudden death prompted this now Gov OTTI to take advantage and negotiated with his Abia North brothers even as he claims where he is not from, but today his appointments have shown clearly where the is actually from.

Gov otti, immediately after Prof. Ikonne’s death negotiated with Abia central with last minute change of results and then capitulated Abia south leveraging the same hate. He manipulated gullible Abians to win but the reality of today has clearly exposed a very big scam as government.

Could it be that sudden death of late Prof ikonne may be attributed as reason the Governor has refused entering the Abia Governor house? Is he irked in his spirit that he isn’t right person to occupy that office??

The wicked witch craft libation of chief Charles Ogbonna against innocent people are working against them or do they think that God can be mocked???.

The main reason for destruction of Abia civil service is to nail any form of opposition and challenge from any source but unknown to him, God has raised young men of impeccable integrity and character with Godly courage like JOK, Iroha, Eke Ako, Eric, Abraham etc who they cannot destroy their strength of character and whose strength are derived from the true facts that Abia must be liberated in the pursuit of truth.

One day this young fellows will be celebrated. It has nothing to do with party A or B but strong conviction on truth.

In the history of Abia since after creation, OVI’s administration has been adjudged the best in every good governance ramification but a lot still needs to be addressed and as such, what Abians clamoured for is one who will address those areas OVI did not address because government is a continuum but Gov OTTI came without any program to help Abians; but came with vindictiveness targeted against everything good about OVI. He carries on as if Abia was created during OVI’s era.

Abians will not watch Gov OTTI destroy the fabrics and brotherhood of Abians but will henceforth march him toe by toe as Abia belongs to all Abians.