**PDP Demands Immediate Inauguration of Hon. Aaron Uzodike in Abia State Assembly**

The State Chairman of the Abia PDP, Rt. Hon. Dr. Alwell Asiforo Okere, has issued a directive to the PDP caucus members in the Abia State House of Assembly, led by Hon. Solomon Akpulonu, to employ all legitimate and legislative means to ensure the immediate inauguration of Hon. Aaron Uzodike, the member-elect of Aba North Constituency. This directive calls for action by Speaker Rt. Hon. Emmanuel Emeruwa.

Speaker Emeruwa has yet to inaugurate Hon. Uzodike, despite a mandate restored by the Appeal Court in Lagos, which led to the removal of Destiny Nwagwu of the Labour Party. The delay has lasted more than seven months.

Following consultations with the State Working Committee (SWC) and after reviewing Speaker Emeruwa’s recent interview regarding the delay, the Abia PDP asserts there are no legal obstacles to Uzodike’s inauguration. The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) issued Uzodike his Certificate of Return on December 13, 2023, fulfilling all requirements for his inauguration.

The PDP demands that all emoluments and entitlements due to Hon. Uzodike since the issuance of his Certificate of Return be promptly paid. The party insists there are no legal grounds for further delay by the Speaker, who represents the Labour Party.

Furthermore, the PDP calls for the restoration of legislative order by ensuring the PDP, as the majority party, retains the office of Majority Leader, in line with democratic norms.

The prolonged non-inauguration of Hon. Aaron Uzodike has left the people of Aba North without representation in the State legislature for over seven months. This situation undermines the rule of law, disrespects the judiciary, and threatens democracy.

The Abia PDP condemns the undemocratic actions of the Speaker and his sponsors, labeling them irresponsible and a violation of the Nigerian Constitution. The party asserts it will no longer tolerate such actions.

Hon Aaron Uzodike with his certificate of return presented to him by INEC

Abia PDP urges Abia elders, concerned citizens, and conscientious members of the Labour Party to intervene and ensure the immediate inauguration of Hon. Aaron Uzodike. The party warns against further delays that could lead constituents to seek alternative measures.