The Ngwa Rangers have expressed their frustration over the prolonged delay in the creation of Aba State, accusing their elected representatives of inaction. The group has issued a press statement demanding immediate steps towards addressing this long-standing issue.

The agitation for Aba State dates back to 1915, with significant efforts in 1954, 1980, 1983, and more recently, in 2021. Despite these efforts, there has been little progress, especially compared to the creation of Orlu State, which has already passed the first reading in the House of Representatives. The Ngwa Rangers highlighted this disparity as evidence of inadequate representation and leadership.

“We elected you to represent our interests, fight for our rights, and ensure that our voices are heard in the corridors of power,” the statement reads. “We did not elect you to enjoy the perks of being an Abuja-based politician, attend lavish parties, or enrich yourselves at our expense.”

The statement also pointed out that Hon. Amobi Ogah, a first-term member of the House of Representatives, is advocating for the creation of Etiti State, further sidelining the longstanding Aba State movement.

The Ngwa Rangers have outlined specific demands for their representatives:

1. Sponsor a bill for the creation of Aba State.
2. Engage in dialogue with colleagues to garner support for the bill.
3. Organize public hearings and town hall meetings to gather input from the community.
4. Use their platforms to raise awareness about the need for Aba State.

The group also referenced a recent move by one of their senators, who led a delegation to the Attorney General of the Federation to demand the release of their brother, MNK, held by the DSS despite a court order granting bail. While they commend this action, they urge equal attention to the Aba State issue.

The Ngwa Rangers have given their representatives a two-week ultimatum to respond with a clear plan of action. Failure to see concrete steps will result in mobilizing the community to demand their rights.

“We will no longer be silenced or ignored!” the statement concluded.

Comrade Kingsley Ihesiaba
Publicity Secretary, Ngwa Rangers