The Letter Reads:

Subject: Preserve the Existing Peace Among Political Blocks in Ukwa West LGA

Your Excellency,

We, the Concerned Citizens of Ukwa West LGA, a registered sociocultural organization under the ASA Development Union, wish to express our deep concern regarding the current political situation in Ukwa West. Our organization is dedicated to unifying the people of Ukwa West, fostering peaceful coexistence, and promoting equity among the three political blocks: ASA Group, IPU Group, and Ozar Group.

As Abians prepare for the upcoming Local Government elections, we urge you to prevent any attempts to disrupt the existing peace among these political blocks. Historically, we have maintained a harmonious relationship, facilitated by our respected ASA Development Union and Concerned Citizens of Ukwa West, through equitable rotation of political offices and mutual understanding.

However, recent actions by certain individuals and political opportunists threaten this arrangement. It is currently the turn of the IPU Group to provide the Local Government Chairman, while the ASA Group is to produce the Deputy Chairman, with the Ozar Group holding the Labour Party Chairmanship position. The IPU Group has capable and reputable members from the Labour Party who are well-suited to lead the Council and contribute positively to your administration.

We are concerned that some individuals are attempting to distort the facts and undermine this longstanding system of rotation for personal gain. This interference poses a serious risk to the peace and stability of our community.

We respectfully request that you disregard those promoting discord and political instability in Ukwa West. Their actions threaten the peaceful environment and progress that your administration has fostered throughout Abia State.

We commend your exceptional leadership and the positive changes occurring across Abia State. We seek your intervention to ensure that our community remains undisturbed and continues to benefit from your administration’s efforts.

Thank you for your attention and continued support.


Engr. Donald Ekpewerechi
Secretary General

Mr. Fidelis Nwambu