Through the annual Iri Ji Ofuji festival, Dr. Chima Desmond Anyaso continues his commitment to preserving Igbo culture, ensuring its vibrancy and relevance for future generations. This year’s festival, themed “Celebration of Successful Harvest in a Time of Scarcity,”reflects the resilience, unity, and spirit of gratitude deeply rooted in Igbo customs.

The event, now in its 3rd edition, serves as a vital platform to highlight the importance of cultural preservation, particularly in times of challenge. Dr. Anyaso’s dedication to this celebration underscores the need to pass down the values of community, sharing, and thanksgiving to younger generations.

A key moment of the festival was the sermon delivered by Pastor Prince Chimeremeze on “Thanksgiving in Times of Scarcity. Drawing from biblical references (Matthew 14:17-21 and Jeremiah 30:19), the sermon emphasized how gratitude, even in times of scarcity, can transform circumstances and multiply blessings. The message resonated with attendees, reinforcing the importance of faith and thankfulness in all aspects of life.

Chief Promise Uzoma Okoro, Abia State Chairman of the Online Media Practitioners Association of Nigeria (OMPAN), also delivered remarks, calling for unity beyond political divides to preserve cultural heritage. His commendation of Dr. Anyaso for successfully hosting the Iri Ji Festival emphasized the vital role of such celebrations in promoting communal values and bridging divides.

The festival gathered a distinguished array of guests, including Royal Highnesses led by His Royal Majesty Eze Joseph Anyanta the Enyi Eze Ji 1 of Ibina Ukwu Igbere, as well as other traditional rulers and notable dignitaries. Their presence highlighted the importance of the Iri Ji Ofuji festival as a cherished event in the Igbo cultural calendar.

As the festival concluded, participants were encouraged to carry forward the values of unity, gratitude, and cultural pride in their daily lives. By celebrating and educating others on Igbo traditions, Dr. Anyaso and the Iri Ji Ofuji festival play a vital role in ensuring that the legacy of Igbo culture continues to thrive, enriching the lives of current and future generations.