Former Federal Lawmaker Hon. Solomon Adaelu had sent a legal notice to Abia state government demanding the sum of two hundred million Naira (200,000,000) as compensation for the illegal confiscation of construction equipment belonging to his company Blue View Engineering LTD.

In a letter addressed to the Abia state governor Dr. Alex Otti by a law firm SAXUM LEGAL representing Blue View Engineering LTD, a construction firm belonging to Hon. Solomon Adaelu, former House Of Reps Member Representing Obingwa\Osisioma\Ugwunagbor federal constituency and sighted by the News-Gazette Online.
Hon. Adaelu accused the state government of forcefully and illegally confiscating a grader belonging to his engineering firm without conducting a proper investigation to determine if the equipment belonged to the state government or not.

According to the statement of claim, on the 22nd of February 2024, a Grader belonging to Blue View Engineering LTD was working on a site at Abayi Ohanze village when the DPO of Umuobiakwa Police Division with his men acting on the orders of the Chief Security Officer to the Governor of Abia State stormed the site and recklessly seized the Grader while at work.

Narrating to our reporter the lawmaker explained that they first took the grader to Umuobiakwa police station where the DPO invited him and he took all the original documents, including customs clearance, and presented them to him after going through the documents he asked me to call the Chief of staff to the governor who told me that he had direct instruction from the governor to confiscate the equipment.

He also contacted the Chief Security Officer to the governor who told him that it was an order from the governor that the Grader belonged to the state government stating that he was directed by the governor to confiscate and take possession of the equipment.

Hon Adaelu stated that he had made several appeals to the governor and the Abia State Government to release the equipment since it does not belong to the state government but all his appeals were ignored and the grader is still being confiscated and detained at the government house in Umuahia.

According to Hon. Adaelu the equipment was procured in 2016 alongside 11 other heavy-duty construction equipment which includes 3 rollers, 3 graders, and 3 bulldozers by his private firm Blue View Engineering LTD for his engineering and construction business and during the commissioning, he (Hon. Adaelu) personally extended an invitation letter to Dr. Alex Otti, to be part of the event, he is therefore surprised why Dr Otti will turn back and order the confiscation of the equipment belonging to his private firm.

Blue View Engineering LTD through its lawyers had issued a 48-hour ultimatum to the state government for the release of the equipment with a condition that it must be in good condition as it was before it was illegally confiscated and a payment of two hundred million naira damages or they will go ahead to take legal action against the state government.

See attached documents