…. PDP made them who they are today

The Chairman CAADES Group Chief Chima Desmond Anyaso has described the mass defection rocking the People’s Democratic Party in Abia state as shocking.
Dr. Anyaso who took to his Facebook handle to express his sadness said those who are leaving the party today are those who arrogantly destroyed the Party due to their own selfish interest.
According to him, those who are leaving the same party that gave them all they have and made them who they are today.
The People’s Democratic Party, PDP in Abia state in the last few days have witnesses mass defection to the All Progressive Congress, notable name among the decampes are the Speaker of the 7th Abia state house of Assembly, Rt. Hon Chinedum Enyinnya orji.

Dr. Anyaso posted:

On this day two years ago I took a very decisive political decision to resign my membership of the PDP for the right reasons which I communicated to my followers and the general public.

Today I watch in absolute shock seeing the same people who arrogantly destroyed the party due to their personal interest leaving the same party that gave them all they have, and made them who they are today.

Well, I wish them well and pray that God will help them in their greed.

My dear friends and followers do not be deceived by the actions of people without INTEGRITY. We must look before we leap!!!

