According to the information made available to us by the Unified CPC Chairman of NANS Zone F Southeast 2024 , COMR. FRANK EME ORJI during the press release on 31st of August, 2024. He said:

“I sincerely appreciate the Capacity Acting Coordinator of NANS Zone F Southeast, Comr. Chidobe Francis Oluchukwu, his Executive Members and all relevant Stakeholders for finding me worthy to serve as the Convention Planning Committee (CPC) Chairman of NANS Zone F 2024 in a time like this. Hence, I accept this appointment with all sincerity of purpose and commitment, assuring the entire Zone that we won’t relent in discharging our duties effectively”.

“In reciprocation of this honor, I will work assiduously with my Co-CPC members, Advisory Council, the Zonal Leadership, all relevant Stakeholders, Security Agencies and all other important personalities to ensure that one of the most peaceful, transparent and successful Convention that will usher in new Zonal Executive members is conducted”.

“As the CPC Chairman, I won’t condone any lackadaisical attitude of any CPC member that may jeopardize our collective interest of conducting one of the most transparent, fair and credible 3rd Zonal Convention. Hence, any member with such mindset should kindly resign now or will be suspended if found wanting and will be substituted immediately as we won’t stop at nothing until our Goal is achieved for the interest of the Zone.

In accordance with the constitution of NANS, the tenure of the current Zonal leadership has elapsed and considering the time frame and need to deliver as at when due, the Proposed dates and Venue for the 3rd Zonal Convention are stipulated as follows:

_October 4th, 2024_: Arrival Date.
_October 5th, 2024_: Convention Proper.
_October 6th, 2024_: Departure.
_Venue_ : Abia State.

However, after the forthcoming inaugural sitting of the CPC members as announced by the Acting Zonal Coordinator, which has been scheduled to hold on 6th of September, 2024 at Enugu State. All official electroral guidelines, the interest form with the list of Local Organizing Committee (LOC ) will be Published for immediate action.

Finally, Abia State under His Excellency, Dr Alex chioma Otti is very peaceful and safe and will be ready to host the 3rd Zonal Convention.

Yours in Struggle.