He posted:

By Hon Achilihu Destiny

Published by Ngwafactsnews media Reporters;

Even the holy Bible admonished us to appreciate God for whatever good deeds done to us.

“Jesus answering and said to the leper, were there not TEN cleansed but WHER ARE THE NINE? Luke 17:17”

In our clime today gratitude is gradually going into extinction while sense of entitlement is the order of the day. People seems to easily forget good deeds done to them.

For me it is Honourable to use this space to express my profound gratitude to the former Executive Governor of Abia State, His Excellency Dr Okezie Ikpeazu Ph.D (OkezuoAbia)

I am among those Abians who owes him DEBT OF GRATITUDE for discovery us and made our political light shined duration his tenures as Governor.

Dr Ikpeazu believed in human capital Development and discovered so many talented young people of which are doing well today a record that will take time for any other Governor in Abia State to surpassed.

In his days as Governor, Made in Abia were the talk of the nation, Enyimba Football club and Abia warriors were the pride of the nation. Hospitality businesses in Abia grew so high that Abia was becoming centre for national conferences and tourism.

Some of those he made Council Chairmen, House of Assembly members are today House of Representatives members and even senator.

Dr Ikpeazu, I am not among those few ingrates who are offended in you just because at a point you could no longer satisfy their selfish aspirations or among those whom you in the course of trying to please them offended those who turn of events made them called you names.

Debt of gratitude is what I owe you for saying no when my LGA Executive chairman mounted much pressure on you just to permit him to suspend me while in the Council and cut short of my service to my people.

Debt of gratitude is what I owe you for supporting my senior brother, Chief Okey Ahiwe to win Abia State PDP Governorship candidate for 2023 Election.

It’s only God who is perfect and has the ability to please everyone.

Dr Ikpeazu you have served Abia State as our Governor to the best of your ability and set good records in some sectors which will take awhile for another Governor to surpassed.

Thank you for all you did to empower young men and women during your period as Governor.

At the last count, your records are still standing tall and the new man is finding it very difficult to surpass.

History will surely be kind on you and posterity will adore your memory as one of the finest of Abian brand.

Thank you, your Excellency.

Hon Achilihu Destiny C,
Ngwafacts media Services
(Publishers of Ngwafactsnews media Reporters)