1. Restaurant & Eatery

2. Women Hair Saloon
3. Barbing Saloon
4. Transportation Business e.g Goods Delivery.
5. POS Business
6. Distributors of other people’s Goods
7. Rearing Animals to sell.
8. Fruits Selling Business
9. Food Stuff Business
10. Stationery Shop
11. Clothes selling e.g Okrika,
12. Foot Wears Shop
13. Gas Filling Station
14. Phone Accessories Business
15. E-commerce (Selling Online)
16. Documents Business Centre
17. Snacks Packaging
18. Kitchen Utensils Selling
19. Religious Materials Shop
20. Car Parts & Accessories Biz

Go online and search around for information about anyone you are interested in. Be ready to see people that will discourage you because they fail in it, but be aware that there are people who make it through some of them. Beware of scammers too asking you to contact them for guide just to collect your money.

Don’t start asking How? Go out and do your findings about any business especially people doing it. Or you study them.